Thursday, November 3, 2011


Wow, seriously, it's been since January since I've posted?! Unbelieveable. Well, not really, not if you live in my house!

Lots of stuff going on in my neck of the woods!

On December 13th, the inaugural publication of The Wedding Planner- Fredericksburg edition comes out! Sage Letterpress has a cute little ad there.

We're also changing around some of the ways we do things around here! We're looking at aquiring a Chndler and Price 8x12 letterpress. As much as I love my Golding Pearl, I need something more of a work horse. She's a great starter press, but we're looking for a little more oomph power here at Sage. We'll also be showcasing weekly bridal suites on the blog every Friday. Some will be actual suites from past brides, others will be samples of what we can customize for you.

Sage Letterpress does both custom and customized stationery to fit your budget and style. We do everything from invitations for any event to persoanlized stationery, to business cards, to other paper goods for your special event!

We're also helping out with pringting for a very special group here in the local area called "The Fairy Godmother Project". Please check out their blog and facebook page. We are pleased and humbled to provide whatever stationery items are needed to this wonderful group. If you're able to help out, I know these ladies would definitely appreciate it! - Blog  - Facebook

That's all for today folks!

Take Care!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Old Posts

Just a quick post about my former posts! I had a typepad account before blogger and had some posts there. Please feel free to click on the link and peruse over the old posts! Thanks!

Take Care,


Just Listed

Hello everyone! These are the freshest cards in the shop. The cutest too! 10 pack of 4 Bar (3.5" by 5") folded cards with an Emperor penguin and his chick on the front. Blank inside with just enough space to write a nice note! Stop by the shop and check them out! I've been slow at the press this week. We've been busy trying to get our business paperwork straightened out with the Commonwealth of Virginia and setting up our business account at the local bank. Lots of tedious paperwork but necessary nonetheless.
                             These are coasters I've been working on.

I have to test out the coasters before I put them in the shop. I would venture to say that they are re-usable but until I test them out I won't make that claim. But they are too cute and match the 10 pack Seahorse stationery to a tee! Would make a nice gift set!!

I've had some folks ask why I have the same pictures of my press and boxcare base with plate on it in all of my listings (see pictures below). My reason is because I don't want folks to feel that I am a "fly by night" letterpress print shop. I did previous work making some party items and invitations that were printed on my printers at the shop. Not letterpress but regular print. I own "Frau". She is mine, she is real, and she's great! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I don't bite and welcome any inquiries into the process of letterpress printing!

Take Care!
